
The below illustration represents a "typical" Budd car's "corrugations."    This depicts half of a cross section of a car, from middle of the roof to middle of the center sill, wrapping around the exterior of the car.  

Note that there isn't one single drawing that illustrates the various contours.  Drawings in the "RC" category represent "Standard Sections" - and we have over 500 of these scanned.  Obviously, some are used far more often, in far more locations than others. 

In theory, there is/was a binder that held all of these drawings.  We have not located it (yet) in our collection.  When customers ask for drawings that show the side or roof corrugations, we can't comply as we'd like; we simply don't have the detail available.  

There are other drawings that depict some of this detail.  But, instead of a 9" x 11" drawing (such as the one from which the below image was cropped), the customer pays for much larger and more drawings. 

Not all a bad thing as the drawings in question are certainly usable for making a model or research, but it is frustrating for all concerned.  


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