Order Process
For many requests, the first step is to obtain the Specifications and Drawing List. This provides a great deal of information, and you may then be able to select the specific drawings you wish.
You should communicate with the Library using the e-mail address: Pullman Library <irmpulllib (at) gmail.com> to ensure that we can fulfill your request and to fine tune as needed. (Some aspects of the information aren't as obvious, and we want to be sure that you get what you really need.)
Please make sure to continue communicating and to ask any questions throughout the process. Please don't assume all communication has been received. If there has been no response for more than a week after you sent a communication, please check-in!
Phone calls are not indicated - our IRM phone system is completely useless most of the time.
In order to work on any order, we need to create both a License and an Estimate. The License costs nothing, and is a requirement of Bombardier (who owns much of the collection within the Library).
The License is specific to Lot/Car. If you have an earlier License on file, a new one must be completed if the request is for a different Lot/Car.
In order to proceed, we'll need the following information:
- Full Name
- Name of Company, Client, Museum, Library, etc. - if any
- Postal Street or Box address, including city, state & zip code
- E-mail Address
- Phone Number(s)
- A short description of the purpose for the request
- Your role/field for this request: Author, Car Owner, Car Restorer, Historian, Lawyer, Model Manufacturer, Modeler, Researcher, etc.
- Delivery Media - Secure Digital Download, Paper
- Scale of drawings (if paper selected)
- Time constraints / Schedule
- NOTE: If the drawings are to be digitally used for model purposes (i.e. creation of CAD drawings or 3-D renderings) this MUST be stated - and may affect the delivery. Doing so without notification may void the license agreement.
Note: Paper requests incur a $5 or 15% surcharge (whichever is greater)
The Library's Mailing Address is:
Illinois Railway Museum
Pullman Library
P.O. Box 427
Union, IL 60180
At this time, we can accept payment by check or money order only.
After the License & Estimate/Invoice have been completed, they must be returned, signed, to the Library. All pages of the License must be returned. This may be done via US Post Office, or scan & e-mail.
- We work one day a week (Wednesday) from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
- We are all volunteers and retired.
- Orders are processed on a first in - first out basis.
- Some orders may take weeks to complete, due to complexity of the request, orders in front of you, location of the materials, services requested, weather issues, etc.
- If a photo or drawing is used in a publication, we would like a copy of the completed publication for our records.
- Scans are the same price whether they are scanned for your project or pre-scanned. Also, regardless of scale. (See price list above).